Rust error handling with anyhow
Rust has an unusual way of handling errors, and it can be a bit tricky to deal with at first. Some crates exists to help you facing the rough edges of Rust error handling, and anyhow is one of the most popular.
Git cheat sheet - Commands I use every day
As a software development engineer, I obviously use git a lot. I always preferred to use the command line for git as it is a knowledge that does not depend on a specific GUI application or IDE. Commits after commits, I realized I often use the same commands over and over again and decided to share the most useful ones here.
Europython 2022 - My take on the event
The 2022 edition of the Europython convention took place in Dublin between 11th and 17th of July, and I had the opportunity to spend the week at this event. This was the first time I attended a convention like this, and I really enjoyed the talks and meeting other people at this event. I decided to write this blog post to sum up the most interes...
Rust polymorphism - Using traits with function parameters
I sometimes had trouble using Rust to write some polymorphic code, and that is why in this article I want to highlight different ways of creating a function with a parameter that has an unknown concrete type at the time of writing the code.